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The Butler, PA Klugh Genealogy Report in PDF

Below is a link for the Klugh family genealogy report. It's in PDF by Adobe. "PDF" stands for "Portable Document Format". It allows you to view a document the way it was intended without adding any other program to it. Your computer should already have PDF installed, but if it doesn't, you can download a free version.

NOTE: Each PDF program has built-in magnification buttons (+-) to enlarge the image or make it smaller. They are situated at the top of the PDF document page. Then you can scroll the image left or right and up and down.

The report starts at the top with John Klugh and Elizabeth Hepler and continues down to the present. If anyone else is missing, or something should be corrected, please let me know by sending me an email.

Please Note:
More information is always being found. Some of it is legit; some not. Because of that, when faced with choosing between what someone said or relying on documentation, I've chosen the latter. For instance, one source indicated Herman L. Klugh died in December of 1935, but when finding the obit as listed in the Butler Eagle newspaper, the listing was for April of that year.

Click on the PDF link below:
Klugh Genealogy Report (as of May 19, 2012)
PLEASE NOTE: If, after clicking on the link above, you receive a msg that says the file was either damaged or could not be found, "Refresh" the page and see if that helps... works for me.

(c) July 4, 2011: (All rights reserved)